Dr. Mu Ku Chen
Dr. Mu Ku Chen is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the City University of Hong Kong (2022.11-present). Dr. Chen received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from the National Taiwan University in Taiwan in May 2019. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2019.05-2019.07) and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2019.09-2020.05). He was a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2020.06-2021.07). He was a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong (2021.08-2022.10). Dr. Chen is a physicist with expertise in metasurface, meta-devices, meta-optics, and nanophotonics.
Research interests include Photonic information, Nanophotonics, Micro&Nano-electronics fabrication, and Artificial nano-antenna array based meta-devices for the photonic applications. Please feel free to discuss any collaborations in research and teaching with me.